At primary school, you’re taught that a story has to have a beginning, a middle and an end. What they don’t tell you is that the end can come at...
5 min read
14th October 2020
A short document that provides an editor/agent with an overview of your narrative, from beginning to end. The synopsis comes with a reputation for being difficult to produce, with writers left frustrated by the task of distilling their manuscript into just a single side of A4. We hope this collection of articles offer help and guidance you find useful.
At primary school, you’re taught that a story has to have a beginning, a middle and an end. What they don’t tell you is that the end can come at...
Gone Girl, How to be Both, Instructions for a Heatwave: everyone’s at it - using dual or multiple narratives to interweave two or more stories...
In fact there are certain ways of writing a synopsis that guarantee I will reject a submission point-blank.
A synopsis is NOT like the...