Here is an extract from my current WIP:
“It is believed that the deep ocean holds...
           A Strange FriendshipÂ
Siraw loved traveling hither and thither so, he traveled and traveled but Alone. On his...
It can be difficult to determine the best book by a particular author, as opinions on literature are often subjective. That being said, many...
No shapes or colours in the end.
First dad, then mum and now the son,
unscrewed the cap, life turned to crap,
their down and...
I'm in the process of rewriting a paranormal fantasy novel (13+) that I wasn't entirely happy with first time around. I'm doing it for personal...
Haven't been on here to comment for a while, as I'm presently re-drafting the book.
Any comments would be grately appreciated.
This is where the original excerpt from this short story fits. I have expanded it, in the (forlorn) hope of fitting the last part in one...