Here's a list of the range of W&A events and writing courses that we have lined up for 2024 so far.
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Learning how to become a more objective reader of your work is a tricky skill to master. In this section on Editing, read through our articles offering help and guidance on how to best approach the editing process, and develop the tools you need to make your work the best it can possibly be ahead of submission to an editor, literary agent or publisher.
Here's a list of the range of W&A events and writing courses that we have lined up for 2024 so far.
Simply click on the...
Early in life we often moan and groan about punctuation. What is the point, we think. Who cares where you put the comma? In fact...
I’d worked in publishing for twenty years before I realised that I didn’t know that much about writing.
When I studied English my...
Develop your writing this Spring by joining one of our online evening...