I would be really grateful for some advice regarding an offer I have received to publish my book. The publisher has offered to pay half the costs with 50% of the sales. Is this the norm now? Not sure which route to take here: whether to send my script off to literary agents for further appraisal or go with the offer.
World Book Day is taking place this Thursday! Created by UNESCO on 23rd April 1985, the day is a worldwide celebration of books and reading. To celebrate, we'd love to hear all about your favourite childhood books.
Get involved with this discussion by commenting below with your favourite childhood books. Why does your chosen book mean so much to you? Was it the book that got you into reading? Or is the story attached to a special memory?
I am currently writing my first non-fiction book and have recently acquired a non-fiction writing qualification for the Manchester Writer's Bureau.
I am working from 30 years of journals and knowledge gained over 30 years of interest in Israel and Palestine. My book covers the period from British Mandatory rule to today.Â
Long story short - In Spring 2017 my 2yr old daughter gets cancer. My partner and I enrich her imagination throughout treatment to keep her spirits up.
Much of the silliness we concocted forms the basis for a picture book that I set to work on and, after 3 years, have now completed.
The book is designed to appeal to all kids, but to have extra meaning to kids in hospital (and their parents) giving them a little bit extra courage and hope.
If I have to self publish, I will. But I first want to try and get an agent, publisher, yadda, yadda.
 I have been trying to buy a full manuscript edit but the system will not accept any of my credit cards. Can I transfer the money directly into your bank accout. Is there an Email where I can contact the services
I once considered getting a headset that would type out words that I was saying onto the computer instead of me typing when I started my book, just to help out however decided that I would hate having to clarify words and think about formulating words while I was in the 'flow'. I just wondered would other people prefer speaking to typing?
I've been working on a novel since August last year and I'm about half way through. But I came up with an idea for another novel and I've started writing that too! Has anyone else got multiple projects on the go? I don't think it's a bad thing. But I do feel like I'm cheating on my first novel :-)