A cooperative novel? (Writing game for any number of participants)

by Emilie van Damm
1st September 2016

The default setting in Q&As is "Recent". However, by clicking on "Popular", I came across this (the most popular thread ever on this forum, with 88 replies):


It seems to have fizzled out some years ago, but I thought that I might revive the idea for a new generation of users on this forum.

NEW RULE: To prevent total hijacking, each entry may be a MAXIMUM of THREE (3) sentences!

Even when this thread disappears from the most recent page(s), please keep it in mind and return to it again and again. Let's see if we can write a novel-length work of beauty and originality! At least set a new record for thread length.

Obviously, styles will change. Genres may also do so. I will try my best to keep it from sliding into a Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter OR Twilight clone. (THAT's a gauntlet thrown down for some of you fanatics! This could be fun!)

p.s. If it's interesting, I'll ask others at La Gr@not@ if we can publish it. Prepare your CVs!!!

I'll begin:


Aisha wiped the mud out of her eyes before plunging her head in the almost-freezing mountain stream.

"That Jon!" she muttered (filling her mouth with water, the rash girl), "He'll pay for this!"

Shaking her head caused myriad waterdrops to fly out from her long, red hair.

(to be continued...?)


[Notice to anyone stumbling across this thread: The 3 editors of La Gr@not@ - Jummy, Wilhelmina, and myself - have been taking a break from THE Saga in order to concentrate on editing and promoting the Stranger(s) In A Strange Land project (la-granota.com/stranger.htm). If you would like to add to THE Saga while we're away - even hijack it and fly it to realms undreampt of - please do so. We'll deal with the wreckage when we have more time. THE Saga is NOT over yet!!!]

Profile picture for user emilie@l_41018
van Damm
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Emilie van Damm

Having determined to follow the fair Aisha, Jonson felt honour bound to leap (as well as zombies can leap) to his lady's defence grabbing as an unlikely weapon the beflowered yet sturdy footwear of his possibly soon-to-be queen. In a move calling back to the beginning of this saga, Jonson spun the welly in an arc and released it toward Mountain Maggie along with his favourite arm clocking her square on the chin for a knockout blow. Being a gentleman, Ben did not usually condone such violence but, being a zombie, felt that in this case it was justified and, looking down upon the defeated adversary quipped 'a brute with no redeeming features, a face inconceivabley forbidding. Aaarggggghhhh'.

Profile picture for user vickyjay_43963
270 points
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Victoria Fielding

Maggie bit the calf and Aisha bit the dirt ("with added succulent ingredients!")

Robbie had more than once received a tongue-lashing from his sweetie for "coming to her rescue". He had learnt his lesson well: THIS sweetie needed no rescuing.

Profile picture for user emilie@l_41018
van Damm
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Emilie van Damm