Blogging Guidelines


We’re always on the lookout for authors and illustrators to spark discussion and talk about their different approaches to the creative process. Whether you’re a debut author, an illustrator just starting out, or a publishing professional wanting to share insider information about the publishing industry, we want to hear from you!

Writers & Artists is for people at every stage of their creative journey – from just starting out to securing an agent and publication deal – and we think it’s important that these voices are heard.

If you’ve already blogged with us in the past, then you’ll be able to Submit a Blog direct.

And we’re always keen to hear from new writers, so feel free to Pitch a Blog and we’ll get back in touch. If we like your idea and think it’ll strike a chord with the W&A community, then we’ll update your account and give you the chance to blog more regularly.

So what exactly are we looking for in a blog?

We’re looking for writing that is informative and practical; that focusses on the nitty-gritty of the writing, publishing, or illustration process. It can be a one-off piece, or you pitch a series too (just make this clear in your blog application).

And you don’t need to have a published book to be considered!

And finally, here some other blogging guidelines for you to bear in mind:

  • Choose an informative and engaging title to grab the reader's attention. Let us know what your piece is about and who it's likely to appeal to

  • There is no minimum word count, but your blog should be no longer than 800 words 

  • Every blog we post needs at least one image so make sure you have one ready

  • Include your biography at the bottom of the blog. This doesn't need to be long - no more than a paragraph of 4/5 lines - and include any pertinent information about yourself e.g. any relevant qualifications, writing and illustration competition rewards etc. If you're at the start of your writing journey and don't yet have any relevant qualifications, don't worry! 

  • Linking out to another site from a blog is fine so long as your blog post itself remains the focus, and the sites you link to are relevant to the content 

View Community Guidelines

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